Arkansas Valley (719) 733-3764
Hi, all Kevin Hoss owner and operator of Bullfrog pest management. It has been an area of discussion as to what it is that we pest control operators (PCO's) do. So, I'm here to put some of the concerns to rest, I hope.
First off, we are not hired killers that want to eradicate every living thing we encounter. What we do is very important for the health and safety of homes, restaurants, food production facilities, and much more. Something to keep in mind is that a million years ago when insects, rodents, and animals were roaming the earth keeping populations in check there were no people and mass fields of crops being grown. Now that people have taken over the natural habitat for these critters and provided insects, rodents, and animals with food, water, and shelter they have become dependent on us in a lot of ways. That is where the modern-day PCO comes in, we are highly trained and regulated in what we do and how we do it. Very few pest control companies will come out and just "kill everything". With the advancement in pesticides and their use, we have the power to target what we are after more than ever. Gone are the days of the DDT trucks driving down the street fogging neighborhoods. The rodent bait that we use these days is more advanced than ever too. With better attractive ingredients, stop-feeding technology, and single-feed options we don't have to use things like strychnine as much anymore. Also, with the advancement of rodent bait the harm of secondary poising to predators is at an all-time low.
So, with all that being said why do we show up and do what we do? Well, we all know that certain pests cause major health concerns like rats, mice, and roaches but did you know that ground squirrels and prairie dogs carry plague? Ya the same plague that killed off half the European population. With the expanding of people, the natural predators can't keep up with population control, so plague becomes a problem and that's where the PCO comes in.
So why do people increase the bug and rodent populations? Mother nature in her grand plan of life didn't factor in people creating huge amounts of food that other things would feed on and boost reproduction and all the building we would do that would give pests a place to hide from natural predators. But I guess if we all wanted a fox, bobcat, coyote, or something like that living in our house you might not need us to come in a get rid of rodents for you. Or if you want birds, lizards, and spiders in your house eating the bugs you don't need us. But if you don't want wild discoveries in your living room or bedroom call a pest professional.
Bullfrog Pest Management LLC
Arkansas Valley: (719) 733-3764
Bullfrog Pest Management LLC